Spice Up Your Life With a Taste of Japan

*Fun Bento Box**Cute and Natural Food From California*

Inari Sushi Bento ~Year of Monkey~
Tofu Dumplings Panda Bento
Animal Rice Balls Bento Box
Easter Bunny BentoBox
Picnic Sliders


Soccer Rice Ball

My husband loves soccer and so excited about up coming FIFA world cup!

I like salmon rice balls, but wild salmon is so expensive...
I found wild caught salmon can at Whole Foods Market and it's not that expensive.

I made salmon flakes with it and it turned out really good.
You can mix it with mayo and use it for sushi roll too. Yum!

Salmon Flakes

1/2can(about 200g)   Wild caought salmon, drained
2~3tsp Sugar
1.5tbs Soy sauce
1/2tbs Sake

Cook all the ingredients in a pan until salmon gets dry.


Chicken Soboro Afro Bento

I had some chicken breasts that I had to use up, so I made chicken crumbles with them.
It's very useful item. You can freeze them and use it for fried rice, noodle or bento dishes.

My husband has a fro hair... Just looks like this bento!

Chicken Soboro ( chicken crumbles)

500g Chicken Breast
50ml Sake
100ml Mirin
100ml Shoyu
1tsp Sugar

1. Ground chicken breast in a FP. ( you can just use ground chicken if you have)
2. Brown meat in a pan. Mix the seasonings.
3. Add the seasoning mix to meat and turn down heat to low. Simmer and reduce liquid.
4. Add salt and pepper if you like.