Spice Up Your Life With a Taste of Japan

*Fun Bento Box**Cute and Natural Food From California*


Owl Rice Balls

Owl Rice Balls

170g Cooked Japanese Rice
1tsp Soy Sauce
Filling of your choice
1slice of Yellow Cheese
1slice of White Cheese
A piece of Nori Seaweed
Corn Kernels

  1. Place 150g of rice in a small bowl. Also  prepare 2 piece of plastic wrap and put 10g of rice on each. Make flat round pieces with the small rice balls.  This will become owl’s stomachs.
  2. Add soy sauce in the bowl of rice and mix well to add color. Divide into 2 on plastic wrap.
  3. Add the filling in the center of the rice.
  4. Shape the rice in plastic wrap to make oval shapes and press with your finger to make space for the white rice stomach.
  5. Place  the white stomach on the brown body and press  together, wrapping tightly with plastic wrap.
  6. Cut almond in half and create ears
  7. To create eyes, cut out slices of cheese, using 2 different size of round shapes. Use a small flower shape to create feet.
  8. Cut a piece of nori seaweed to create eyes and put all the parts together.    

Featured on Japan Up! Magazine March 2019  :)

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